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Potential Attack Vectors, Part 1: Malware sources

In this post, I share my findings on the relationship between malware and file extensions.

This is the first in my series of blog posts to share the results of my thesis, which can be found here

Malware is a file or script that is distributed to disrupt the activities of its intended (sometimes unintended) recipients. In the world of malicious software, or malware for short, numerous methods of attack exist, even for the same types of malware. Therefore it’s important to understand the differences between each type of malware and its attack vectors. Having this understanding will allow you to properly identify and counter these malicious programs.

I collected the following data using a large database of malware metadata samples from the Software Engineering Lab at Montana State University. In my next blog post, I will talk about my findings and what they mean for the security posture of various popular bug bounty programs.

The File Extensions

Ext File Description File Category
(no extension) Linux-Dev86 executable headerless executable
bmp Bitmap Image image
chm Microsoft Composit HTML link
dex Dalvik dex file version 035 image
dll PE32 executable (DLL) Intel 80386 for MS Windows executable
doc Composite Document File V2 Document document
exe PE32 executable Intel 80386 for MS Windows executable
fpx Kodak Flashpix image
gif GIF image data image
gz gzip compressed data compressed
html HTML document ISO-8859 text link
jar Java archive data compressed
java compiled Java class data script
jpg JPEG image data image
lnk Windows shortcut to file or folder link
m2t MPEG-2 Transport Stream video
mp3 MPEG-2 Audio Layer III audio
pas Pascal source ASCII text script
pdf PDF document Adobe
php PHP script ASCII text script
pl perl script executable script
png PNG image data image
ppt Microsoft Powerpoint document
py Python data script
rar RAR archive data compressed
rb Ruby script script
rtf Rich Text Format document
swf Macromedia Flash data (compressed) image
txt ASCII text document
xml XML document text document
zip Zip archive data compressed

The Malware

Malware Abbreviation Description
Adware Ad advertisements with malicious content
PUA/PUP PUA/P Potential Unwanted Applications, or Potential Unwanted Programs
Spyware Spy malware that silently monitors user activity
Script-Based Script a script within a file that performs malicious actions.
Trojan Horse Trojan digital attack that disguises itself as desirable software
Ransomware Ransom encrypts a victim’s data
Computer Virus Virus a program that reproduces itself
Computer Worm Worm replicate itself using a hot within the same network

Malicious File Extensions

Ext Ad PUA/P Spy Script Trojan Ransom Virus Worm
(no ext) X
bmp X
chm X
dex X
dll X X X X
doc X
docx X
exe X X X X
fpx X
gif X
gz X X X
html X X X X
jpg X
lnk X
m2t X
mp3 X X
pdf X
php X X
pl X X
png X X
ppt X X
py X X
rar X X X X
rb X
rtf X
sh X X X X
swf X
xml X
zip X X X X X

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